
Bats and White-nose Syndrome

Dani Bradnan was an internationally competitive puppeteer for twelve years before being inescapably drawn into the never-ending glamour that is a career in the sciences.  She is currently working on a PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where she works with the chocolate tree, Theobroma cacao (the fruits of which can be seen in the bat video).  When not making the world safer for the chocolate of the future and combining her love of puppetry with her love of science, she spends her time reading and playing with her three cats.

Wendell the Bat is an insectivorous bat native to the southeastern United States that thinks of himself of an insectivore the same way some vegetarians who eat fish also consider themselves vegetarians (i.e. he also loves him some fruit).  This is Wendell’s first production, and he would like to thank all of his brothers and sisters in the nursery cave for believing in him, and helping him get this far.

Posted July 23, 2013 by Mirka Zapletal