Coming clean with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

In my last post I mentioned that I would look for ways to reduce our exposure to and production of PAHs, and I’ve spent some time searching for specific campaigns, but I haven’t found much that seems like an organized approach. Instead, I found a number of smaller recommendations for individual action.

To reduce exposure from food:

  • has suggestions on safer grilling techniques, including the use of gas and propane instead of charcoal or using chimney starters instead of lighter fuel. There are also certain marinades that can prevent charring of meat.
  • has another marinade suggestion for the beer-drinkers among us.

Cedar chips help deter moths and don’t release dangerous PAHs. Photo by Michael Fienen- license

Cutting general levels in your home:

Reducing overall pollution levels in air, water, and soil:

Some of these suggestions probably seem common sense, but they are worth repeating. And it does really seem like each of us has an individual responsibility to cut back on the emissions we, personally, generate. At the same time, large-scale policies for PAH reduction, for example through vehicle regulation, will probably take concerted and united effort, so we need to look for ways to make that happen, too.

Posted February 25, 2017 by Mirka Zapletal in Pollution

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