Over the past week, I’ve looked for ways for us to get directly involved with eel conservation- the good news is that those opportunities are out there; the bad news is that it took some searching to find everything I mention here, so it takes persistence to get involved. Of course, it also takes persistence to swim from rivers to the open ocean…

USFWS monitoring American eels in Buffalo Creek, Pa. Photo courtesy of USFWS- License Link
The timing is ideal to get involved in many of the opportunities out there since World Fish Migration Day is May 21, 2016- there are events taking place all over the world from now until the actual day, so check the list and see if there is something near you.
If you are looking for more information about eel projects
- the Sustainable Eel Group has articles on European eels organized by topic and country
- Canadian Wildlife Federation has a “Help the Eels” project
- Lake Ontario Waterkeepers have a campaign to increase the protection given to eels
- Marine Conservation Society has a campaign to protect more marine areas used by eel larva
There are a number of habitat restoration projects that benefit eels- many of these projects are organized by local groups, so, if your area isn’t mentioned here, it may pay off to ask around-
- Harwich Conservation Trust
- Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
- Scottish Wildlife Trust
- Somerset Wildlife Trust
And there are a number of groups looking for your help in eel surveys
- the WCS New York Seascape Program is working with eel populations in the Bronx River
- the Ridean Valley Conservation Authority would like you to submit eel observations
- Westcountry Rivers Trust wants your help counting glass eels
- Zoological Society of London is monitoring eels in the Thames River
- there is also an American eel project in the tributaries of the Hudson River that involves the NY Department of Environmental Conservation
I’ve said it before, but please, please, please do your best to choose sustainable seafood for your meals- in this context, it means eel is a no-no (and that’s a sacrifice for me), but having learned about eel conservation over the last few weeks, I believe it is the right thing to do. If you are unsure about your seafood choices, there are a number of resources, for example Seafood Watch.
Eels, and other aquatic animals, are having a rough time- we can help support the remaining populations, but it will take a variety of approaches, including increased protection, habitat restoration, and people deciding that sustainable seafood is important to them. If all of us contribute to these efforts, we can really make a difference.