Archive for the ‘greenhouse gases’ Tag

Cooling the greenhouse

In my last post I looked at larger, systems-wide options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but those actions may not be possible where you live, or it may require some time to move down those roads. I’m not sure how much time we have to prevent certain climate change effects, and I personally feel better […]

The air we breathe

I think it should be pretty clear that researching the state of the atmosphere is a tall order- and some journal articles go REALLY in-depth when it comes to chemical reactions and composition and simulations (after a while, I found my eyes glazing over anytime I encountered more than 2 pages of graphs)- but I […]

A resolution to learn more

As 2013 begins, I’ve been mulling over events from last year and decisions to be made in the next 12 months, some of which involve things like energy sources and new places to live and even automobiles. And I’ve been hearing a lot about alternative energy and fracking and average temperatures, among other topics. I […]